Greta’s worlds.

Let’s imagine a large, fantastic-looking machine powered by books
that works to the rhythm of a heartbeat.
And next to this artefact, we see Greta,
an endearing elderly woman who
amuses herself with her small collection of books and stories. Despite her
age and delicate health, Greta is unpredictable, extravagant, whimsical, fanciful… The machine is like a great toy that
recreates the fantasy of her books, involving Pina, her carer, in her stories
and characters. The machine generates
fanciful situations of the type Greta likes… Mysterious and universal
characters from literature, marvellous lamps from One Thousand and
One Nights and fantastic journeys around the world. These are all
settings that can be recreated and played in.
“Artilusio”, with its characters and machine, focuses on what
books and the act of reading represent: Moving, travelling, leaving
to discover oneself…
“ When I was a child, I enjoyed reading”. Greta


20 October 12:30

GERNIKA Lizeo Antzokian

With the support of:

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Proyecto financiado por INAEM, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte • Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU

Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU

Associations to which we belong:

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Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional – Una manera de hacer Europa

GRUPO DE TEATRO DE MIMO MARKELIÑE MIMO TALDEA S COOP ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2023. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de Bilbao.